Explore our FAQs to find the answers you need, and if you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
empowering individuals with disabilities
At Power to Marc, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities, their caregivers, and professionals by providing the tools, education, and training needed to ensure dignity, respect, and active participation in their care.
Frequently Asked Questions
Changes can be seen in just a few sessions. Building a positive experience from previously negative ones takes time to develop, but the outcome is very empowering!
Yes, we believe that behavior is communication. Our programs are designed to work with anyone, no matter how they express themselves.
Yes, the Practice Without Pressure process meets the individual where they are, helping to build their capacity for participating in their care.
The philosophy and process of Practice Without Pressure works with ALL individuals and are not disability specific. A commitment to the process is what’s critical for success.
We will soon have kits available for purchase that will include realistic supplies for use in practice such as a retractable needle. For now, you can use items you likely have around your house (a necktie for a tourniquet and an “undone” paperclip for a needle)
Many parents feel this way at first. It seems too good to be true. Practice Without Pressure has helped thousands of individuals participate in their own care. These individuals range from people who are only slightly affected by their disability to being greatly affected by their disability. If you trust the process and stay committed, it will work!
The beauty of the Online Caregiver Training, is that you will learn how to help your individual on your own timeline within your own home. When you are ready, you will work with your individual on your own timeline and within your own home.
My son has lots of diagnoses, is non-verbal and very low-functioning, can it possibly work for them?
The PWP philosophy and process is meant for anyone, regardless of diagnosis. We help empower your loved one, you, and the professionals that work with them!
Join us in the Power to MarcVirtual Community, or starttraining courses online now.
So good that you see that there are some similarities to ABA, and also to other disciplines as well. However, PWP is a very unique model of care. Take an introductory course today to see!
Blood draws, vaccinations, dental procedures, medical procedures, haircuts, nail care, and more. The strategies stay the same regardless of the procedure. We will help you help your loved one increase their ability to participate in their own care
The Practice Without Pressure process is anchored in the Silvan Tomkins Affect and Script theory.